Silent Counseling
“In the silence, we can hear the whispers of our soul.”
– Deepak Chopra
Silent Counselling is a rapid release energy therapy (as opposed to a ‘talk’ therapy).
It’s about safely releasing the emotional charge stuck in our body from past events, traumas, situations etc. Issues that present in the body are not just physical, they also have an emotional & mental aspect.
Experience the benefits of this powerful, healing modality for yourself. Release yourself of fears, trauma, anxiety, emotional pain, grief/loss, chronic pain & feel better, lighter & freer….long-term.
Clients are also given tools to take home for future use.
Sessions can be done remotely or in person.
60-minute Initial Session- 149.00
30- minute follow-up sessions - 55.00
This is a unique, in-depth session where you will feel lighter & calmer after.
Combo Service- Includes a 15-minute Discovery call, followed by a 90-minute session one week later where explore Healing in the Akashic Records in conjunction with Silent Counseling. - 225.00 / for Session Package

What is Silent Counseling?
Silent Counselling is a rapid energy release technique that works on the mind & body connection. It’s ‘rapid’ because the results are fast & you will feel lighter & calmer, even after one session.
It works on the meridians (based off Traditional Chinese Medicine) & it helps to discharge negative emotions safely & free the body. Think of the meridians like ‘hose pipes’ in the body that carry chi or life force energy, when there is a kink in the hose, it affects the flow & the same thing happens in our body. Each meridian is connected to a different organ & different emotions.
Issues we face, always have a psycho-somatic/psych-spiritual aspect. What I mean by that, is that there is always a deeper emotional/mental aspect to any issue & where it presents in the body. I help you to release this emotional charge in order to allow true healing to happen.
Silent Counselling uses energy testing, breath work & acupressure points to release stagnant energy or emotional imprints in the body. The body is home to our subconscious mind & it remembers everything on a cellular level, hence it is important to get to the root of issues & release them once & for all. When we can remember an event, without the emotional charge, true healing can happen.
It was developed by two Energy Psychologists in Scotland. One day they had a young lady in their office who was so traumatised by her life circumstances that she could barely speak. They had to think quickly on the spot & bring in elements of all their trainings.
After a few sessions, the young lady had unburdened herself of so many negative emotions, and was feeling better than ever for the first time in her life. That’s when the seeds of Silent Counselling were sown. It had no name then, but it evolved over the years as they honed the practice.
Silent Counselling can help with many different issues including:
Panic Attacks
Rumination or persistent negative thinking
Chronic body aches & pains
It helps to restore balance in the body, and activates the body’s own innate healing ability.
Like blood flows through our veins, energy flows through our meridians. When there is a block in this flow, all sorts of dis-eases can present (whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual). Working with the different meridians using muscle testing & breath work, we can clear these blockages and restore flow and optimum health.
The Release & Realignment Program
This is a 6-month transformational journey into a more joyful and fulfilling life.
Have the freedom to show up in life as your authentic self, by shifting from searching to receiving, and gaining an absolute connection to your intuition.
This is for you if:
You find yourself constantly giving your power away.
Examples of how we give our power away to others.....
Your self-worth depends on other people’s opinions of you.
Silencing yourself because they fear upsetting others.
You have tried other therapies with little to no results
You don't trust yourself to make choices that are in your highest interest
You want to create a better life for yourself but don't know how
You feel exhausted and overwhelmed with your life circumstances
You find yourself in a cycle of worrying daily over...
financial challenges of debt or overspending, chronic illness, and
unrealistic expectations in your work or relationships.
This is NOT for you if:
You are not willing to show up for yourself and release old stories
You are not open to concepts of spiritual practices or energy work
You are not willing to commit to using 3 simple practices daily
You are not able to commit to the appointment times for sessions
Main benefits:
You'll have the ability to get clear guidance from your higher self concerning some of life's toughest moments, as well as have the ability to make spirit-led decisions on how to move forward in your personal journey.
You'll experience a release from subconscious limiting beliefs and hidden emotions that keep you and your nervous system in a state of dysregulation.
Some of the more common signs of a dysregulated NS include...
Being irritable or reactive instead of in the flow and proactive .
You experience sleep problems and daytime fatigue.
You have autoimmune and hormonal symptoms.
3.You will feel empowered to take a more active role in manifesting.
***Having a regulated nervous system is essential for manifestation, and allows you to release stress, doubts, and fears associated with achieving
your desired outcomes. A calm nervous system is receptive to positive energy and better able to tune into your intentions.
4.You'll gain a renewed sense of freedom and the ability to show
up authentically for yourself and with others.
5.You'll gain the confidence to claim the life you want to live
by honoring yourself and tuning into your life purpose.
6.You'll know your worth and have the confidence to set
healthy boundaries.
Program Includes.......
*1:1- 15-minute Discovery Call each month where we will focus on an overall topic or theme that is presenting itself in your life and needs to be released.
*Healing in the Akashic Reading Session ( done by me between sessions )- guided by your higher self on what healing needs to take place on a soul level
( i.e. Past life, ancestral healing, soul retrieval --Shamanic Practices are implemented as needed). This will be done by me and documented to be shared and integrated during your Silent Counseling Session.
*90-minute Silent Counseling Session -this is a gentle, yet very effective technique used to release subconscious elements in the physical body and regulate your nervous system and is the key to embodiment of all the work we will be doing together.
*At-home tools to be utilized between appointments that are short and simple to further integrate the work. These will be very useful beyond the length of the program.
15-minute Discovery Call & 90-minute Silent Counseling Session
can be done in person or via Zoom.
Enrollment starts at the beginning of each month ( based on availability ).
Your Investment into your future self.
Pay in full-$1111
( 2/ payment installment plan available upon request )
Next steps to take to enroll...
Before you are enrolled I would like to see if we are a good fit for each other and this work. This is a large exchange of time and energy for both myself and the client. I would like to get to know you, see where you are at in your journey, and get a sense of your unique challenges and goals.
Please email or message me to schedule an onboarding call via Zoom or
in-person meeting at Luna Rae Spa & Wellness.
I am only able to take a limited number of people into this program.
You must have the ability to pre-schedule your appointments one month in advance for 15 & 90-minute sessions.
Client Testimonials
I had two sessions with Jennifer for Silent Counseling. I have suffered from PTSD from several critical incidents related to work. I went in with an open mind. I left feeling that my stress was reduced. I also felt my wellbeing was enhanced.
I finally feel I can overcome any of these challenges and move on. Strongly recommend if having any issues in life reach out and make an appointment. -Dawn M.